Thursday, March 12, 2015

EOC Week 9 Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is not something that the United States takes lightly today. Decades ago there was not any support in regards to handling sexual harassment cases, there really was no such thing as sexual harassment. For years women and men have dealt with the harsh realities that there are people in the world and workplace who sexually harass multiple people and get away with it. Now there are laws that prevent and help serve justice in sexual harassment cases all over the country. There are however, a few important outlines that make sexual harassment what it is. "The harasser's conduct must be unwelcome." Some people may have a personality that seems a bit friendlier than others and there are points where the line should be drawn. The only way that sexual harassment is truly able to be charged is if there has been some unwanted gestures or comments made towards the victim. One cannot claim sexual harassment when there is a common understanding and acceptance of the nature of each person. "Unlawful sexual harassment may occur without economic injury to or discharge of the victim." I believe this is a very important statement because not all forms of harassment or bullying are physical. Mental abuse is far worse than physical because it may never heal. The things that someone does to you may be forgotten, although unlikely. But it is more unlikely that something someone has said to you will be easily forgotten as well. "The victim as well as the harasser may be a woman or a man. The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex." It is important to recognize that ANYONE can be a victim. There is some prejudice in the justice system when it comes to same sex harassment but today there are some revisions that also protect those who fall victim to same sex sexual harassment. It is always important that whenever there is some uncomfortable exchanges of words or gestures in any sexual or unpleasant terms that someone be notified. If we continue to tolerate such treatment there will never be served justice and sooner or later we will all be a part of a nightmare that will only continue through an inevitable cycle.

"Facts About Sexual Harassment." Facts About Sexual Harassment. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. <>.

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